Spinal Walk
The primary goal of the spine walk/spine slide is to create flow throughout the spinal column and encourage resonant, energetic alignment, as parts of the spine can become compartmentalized. By opening flow between the upper, middle and lower energy centers, we can help the client experience a more integrated sense of self as well as being more open to receiving.
This technique is particularly beneficial for those that experience:
bouts of anxiety/stress,
are over thinkers,
those experiencing fatigue or acute back pain
This could also be helpful for someone having a sense of being inwardly divided.
This technique can be added on to any session or as a stand alone session. It lasts about 30-45 min as its own session.
Sacral Stabilization
Sacral stabilization is often incorporated in conjunction with a Spine Walk/Spine Slide. Our objective here is to re-stabilize the sacrum within its own blueprint in relationship to the pelvis, bringing order to the skeletal system, and helping these bones “find their homes”.
Sacral stabilization is particularly impactful for those with:
lower back pain (previous tailbone/low back injury)
pain that can drift from one side of the body to the other.
stabilization postpartum
creative blockages